Munich Social Science Review (MSSR), Volume 5

Munich Social Science Review (MSSR), Volume 5

Cultural Commons & Urban Dynamics

Emanuela Macri, Valeria Morea, Michele Trimarchi

Gesellschaft, Politik & Medien


168 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783882783148

Verlag: Verlag Manfred J. Holler

Erscheinungsdatum: 04.03.2022

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Urban space, Commons, Public art, Networks, Collective resources

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Mehr Infos
Emma Galli, Giampaolo Garzarelli, and Alain Marciano, Governance as a spectrum of rules: a suggested approach
Manfred J. Holler and Florian Rupp, Power in networks, the urban space, and the Medici
Alice Borchi, Towards a policy for the cultural commons
Federica Antonucci, Public space and the practice of commoning
Danila Longo, Andrea Boeri, Rossella Roversi, and Serena Orlandi, Cultural heritage-led practices for regeneration. Public space as a common good
Lidia Errante, Accessibility in public space: Physical, social, and cultural features in the regeneration of urban commons
Valeria Morea, The commons and public art: Understanding the practice of art in public space as a collective resource
Emanuela Macrì, New frontiers for cultural commons theory. The historical linguistic community in Calabria region
Verena Lenna, Roberto Randazzo, and Michele Trimarchi, Commons, law and the city: Practices of care vs. regulatory grids
Carolina G. Garcia, Feminism took the streets: new strategies of commons in Latin America
Letteria G. Fassari, The rise of cultural commons imaginary
Paweł Jankiewicz and Pablo Arboleda, A conversational plea for the ruin studies
Information for contributors
Emanuela Macri

Emanuela Macri

Valeria Morea

Valeria Morea

Michele Trimarchi

Michele Trimarchi

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