Mr. Wycherly's Wards 

Mr. Wycherly's Wards 

L. Allen Harker

Klassiker & Lyrik


529,5 KB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783748102144

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 25.11.2018

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: psychological fiction, Classic fiction

2,99 €

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The village was thunderstruck. Nay, more; the village was disapproving, almost scandalised.
It was astounded to the verge of incredulity when it heard that a man who had lived in its midst quietly and peaceably for five-and-twenty years was suddenly, and without any due warning whatsoever, going to remove to the south of England not only himself, but the entire household effects of a dwelling that had never belonged to him.
It is true that the minister pointed out to certain of these adverse critics that by her will Miss Esperance had left both house and furniture to Mr. Wycherly in trust for her great-nephews; but people shook their heads: "Once the bit things were awa' to Oxford wha' kenned what he'd dae wi' them?"
L. Allen Harker

L. Allen Harker

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