Mom's Lipstick. Life is a Story -

Mom's Lipstick. Life is a Story -

Masha Denyshchenko


68 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710898518

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 29.08.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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When a generational bond gets a little too tight, Claire moves to the other side of the globe to distance herself from an old family drama veiled with mystery. But the past slithers its way into her new life. Old photographs, sketchbooks, and weird omens all point to the Accident that happened forty years ago and damaged three generations of women in her family. Now Claire has no choice but to find out the truth and answer one of the most important questions if a mother hates her child, does it really matter why?
Masha Denyshchenko

Masha Denyshchenko

Masha Denyshchenko is a Ukrainian writer with a strong philological background and thousand-and-one daily activities.
Masha has eclectic taste in genres. So far she has worked in magical realism, romance, detective, and fantasy. All her stories have their fair share of mysteries and a touch of Masha's ironic sense of humour.
Masha welcomed her debut English book "Mom's Lipstick" in 2023. This mystical story was written as a love letter to Berlin, where Masha moved together with her family seven years ago. She continues to pay tributes to Germany's capital in her second book "All the plans that went kaput(t) at a Xmas market".
In parallel, she keeps working on the first draft of her Ukrainian fantasy novel, works in IT, collects a private library and, together with her husband, raises a naughty (though cute) daughter and a well-behaved cat.
Instagram: @_masha_pyshe_knyzhku

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