Mapping and Scheduling Algorithms for Synchronized Individual Production

Mapping and Scheduling Algorithms for Synchronized Individual Production

Sean Edward Humphrey

Industrie & Technik


192 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783936624359

Verlag: van Laack GmbH

Erscheinungsdatum: 21.11.2016

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Individual production, Operations Management, tool manufacturing, Production Planning, synchronized production

39,00 €

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To satisfy market demand for efficiency, short lead-times and just-in-time delivery, the principle of synchronized production is now being applied to the production of highly individualized products in the machine tool manufacturing sector. While the benefits of this production principle on the factory floor are significant, the complexity and overhead of the associated production planning is considerable. This dissertation, written at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany, presents algorithms to automate the two primary short-term planning activities for synchronized individual manufacturing. To ensure industrial applicability, the underlying research was conducted in close collaboration with three large automotive suppliers.
Sean Edward Humphrey

Sean Edward Humphrey

Sean Edward Humphrey studied computer engineering and business administration at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany. Following his studies he concentrated on research and industry consulting in the area production management as a research associate at the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL). The work underlying his dissertation focused on the industrialization of individualized production and associated production planning activities.

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