Love Yourself Workbook

Love Yourself Workbook

Love Everything, Everyone And Yourself

Stephan Szugat

Selbsthilfe & Recht


98 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783756801053

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 24.08.2022

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Love, Love yourself, workbook, Self-help, self-development

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This Love Yourself Workbook aims to help you to stay positive and loving. It provides daily forms for 12 weeks to make it easy to increase the love for yourself, everything and everyone as well as the world.
Everyone is looking for love all the time. Yet, loving ourselves seems to be a problem. If we loved ourselves, we would not need to chase others to love us.
But we forgot that being positive and loving starts with each one of us. When you are positive and loving, you do the best for yourself, for others and the world.
In this workbook you are going to answer simple, yet powerful, questions to increase your awareness of your own love.
Stephan Szugat

Stephan Szugat

Stephan Szugat is a former Interim-Manager for Finance & Accounting. For some time now he is also a coach for business owners, managers, and everyone seeking to discover their own potential.
Becoming a coach was a natural thing for Stephan, as he was unconsciously coaching his clients when he was an Interim-Manager. Always analyzing everything is a professional habit, which let him the way to see that our feelings have the most impact on our life.
But even more impact on our life has one thing - Love.

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