Listen to us at last!

Listen to us at last!

Children between pain and love

Natalie Christine Walther

Eltern & Kinder


376 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783769326338

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 30.12.2024

Sprache: Englisch, Deutsch

Schlagworte: children, depression, ADHD, Trauma, Autism

19,90 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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What remains when the space for our children becomes increasingly limited and creativity, curiosity, and playful learning no longer have a place? When Artificial Intelligence is suddenly
supposed to be our future?

This book is a passionate plea for all children. It makes the silent cries for help of our children and adolescents audible, who struggle daily with physical and mental challenges. In 37 works - from conception to 18 years, from desire for children, birth, or adoption to topics such as school, neurodermatitis, ADHD, autism, depression, vaccinations, or ChatGPT - a deep look behind the scenes is taken.

This book is also addressed to all those who are searching for the causes of their own childhood wounds and want to understand how we can together create a worthwhile future with our children.
Natalie Christine Walther

Natalie Christine Walther

Natalie Christine Walther, born in 1970 in Traunstein, Germany, with roots in Greece and Croatia, holds a degree in business administration and has lived near Munich for over 20 years. Her two children were the initial spark for her own personal development and self-encounters. After further training in Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Theory according to and with Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert (IoPT) and dream work according to and with Ortrud Grön (TAOG), she is now able to make the deepest causes and buried truths from every aspect of life, across generations, visible. So that we no longer have to live in lies and repression, but in love with our inherent truth, authenticity and joy of life.


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