Life Force for Beginners

Life Force for Beginners

Experiments, Reflections, Contexts and Models

Harry Eilenstein

Spiritualität & Esoterik


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DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783753400068

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 31.05.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Magic, esoteric, Occultism, life force, collective subconscious

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Life force is one of the central concepts in magic, but it is usually used only associatively and, while filled with many feelings, is rarely really defined precisely.
In this book, the life force is examined in detail and described in terms of what it could be - and also what it cannot be.
There are many questions about this subject - and trying to answer them leads to much sharper contours of the life force. Some of these research questions are:

Is the life force a force or a substance?
Where is the life force actually located?
What is its relationship to consciousness and matter?
What is its relationship to analogies?
What do we see in clairvoyance?
Why is there no independent life-force perception - something like seeing by the eye, hearing by the ear, smelling by the nose?
Why does the life force organize itself in the structure of the chakra system? And why is there the same structure in a solar system?
Harry Eilenstein

Harry Eilenstein

I was born in 1956 and have been intensively involved in magic, religion, meditation, astrology, psychology and related subjects for 45 years now. Meanwhile I have written about 190 books and about 50 articles for various magazines.
Since 2007, I have expanded my decades-long avocation and am now a full-time life coach. This includes the actual consultations, but also the interpretation of horoscopes, healings, rituals, sweat lodges, firewalkings, help with haunted houses and other "magical problems", training in meditation and Feng Shui and much more. On my website you can find some of my articles and also a detailed curriculum vitae.

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