Learn to play the Highland Bagpipe

Learn to play the Highland Bagpipe

For absolute beginners and intermediate bagpiper

Andreas Hambsch

Freizeit & Hobbys


13,4 MB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783741243318

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 11.07.2016

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: bagpipe tutor, bagpipe textbook, learn bagpipe, bagpipe tutorial, practice chanter

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About the Bagpipe Tutorial: Recommended by the best pipers in the world!
Bruce Hitchings, Michael Grey, Robert Watt, Willie McCallum, Dixie Ingram, Rory Grossart and many more.

You have purchased one of the most professional and popular books for learning the bagpipes. It includes many famous and traditional melodies (Amazing Grace, Happy Birthday, Highroad to Gairloch, Scotland the Brave, Green Hills of Tyrol, etc.), all the finger techniques, and in contrast to other bagpipe books it has many exercises that you will need to learn the bagpipes successfully.

The book is suitable for absolute beginners all the way to intermediate pipers. You can study on your own or use it as a classroom companion book. In 28 easy-to-understand lessons, you will find crystal-clear instructions on how to play the bagpipes from scratch. This book is also used for training purposes by many professional bands and bagpipe schools. Its aim is to give the student a technically and musically solid foundation and expert guidance on the route to becoming an accomplished piper.

The Bagpipe Tutorial App, which is available from your app store, is perfectly matched to the Bagpipe Tutorial book. Besides the tunes in the book, it contains more than 250 exercise videos covering all the fingering techniques, embellishments and grace notes that you will need in bagpipe playing. The information is in soundtracks and visual displays, with close-ups of the chanter fingerings at different speeds to help you learn them more easily.

You will also need a practice chanter to train your finger technique and your first songs. What you learn will only be transferred to the big set of bagpipes after a couple of months. The practice chanter will accompany you all through your life with the bagpipes. You will learn the fingering of new tunes on the chanter and continuously improve your fingering technique with it.

This book, a milestone in the teaching of the Scottish bagpipes, will help beginners and intermediate players to achieve rapid success. It is a professional educational tool for playing and understanding the bagpipes.
Andreas Hambsch

Andreas Hambsch

Andreas Hambsch began playing the bagpipes in 1993. He has won many high profile solo competitions and for some years was also a member of a Scottish Grade 1 professional pipe band, competing against the best pipe bands in the world.

In 2007, he completed his teachers examination at the Scottish College of Piping and received the colleges highest diploma in the art of bagpipe playing in 2010. He then opened a bagpipe school and since then has worked as a full-time teacher tutoring students from all over the world.

Andreas Hambsch also hosts band workshops, teaches at international summer and winter schools and makes a major contribution towards making Scottish music better known all over the world. Thanks to his musical and social skills as a bagpipe teacher, he is very popular with his students and his services as a teacher are very much in demand.

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