Learn to improvise: For any busy person who plays the saxophone, clarinet, flute, or other instrument. Less-is-more approach. Volume 1

Learn to improvise: For any busy person who plays the saxophone, clarinet, flute, or other instrument. Less-is-more approach. Volume 1

Marek Kopansky

Band 1: Learn to improvise: For any busy person who plays music instrument.

Freizeit & Hobbys


112 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783754334836

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 08.12.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: learn music, improvisation, improvise, jazz, Solo

17,99 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Mehr Infos
Do you fancy improvising? But little time to practice?
Then try the 4 + 5 improvisation method!

You don't have to practice full scales.

In this book you will learn to improvise with:
- Pentatonic scale
- Blues scale
- Seventh chords

What makes improvising so easy with this book?

- You start improvising with just two notes.
- There is an example for each exercise.
- The level of difficulty increases moderately.
- For each lesson there is an accompanying music mp3 to download.

You just need the right method, then it works!
Marek Kopansky

Marek Kopansky

Marek Kopansky is a multi-instrumentalist, composer and music teacher living in Munich, Germany. His musical focus is on jazz and ethnomusic. Compositions for music projects in the fields of jazz, afro, salsa and oriental music.

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