Journey Of A New Writer

Journey Of A New Writer

Guide Book

Ali Eryilmaz , Feride Akturan (Hrsg.)

Film, Kunst & Kultur


66 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9786056924828

Verlag: Fa Yayınları

Erscheinungsdatum: 24.08.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: writing, creative writing, Writing skills, writing course, novel writing methodes

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There has been a permanent concept stated by literature since its beginning. It is possible to see this concept in every mithology, story, tale or novel. All the works in literature give us the impression of a journey no matter what kind of work they are.

Homeros tells us about Odysseas in his work that he wrote 2800 years ago. When the Trojan War started, he had to join it being reluctant. He was also the person creating the concept of Trojan Hourse. As he earned the hatred of God Poseidon, he suffered a lot when he was returning from the Trojan War. homeros tells us what Odysseas went through during his return lasting ten years. the things he went through changed and matured the Hero but took him away from his home and past and all the things he left behind turned out different.
Ali Eryilmaz

Ali Eryilmaz

Feride Akturan

Feride Akturan (Hrsg.)

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