JAZZY - a cat on three paws

JAZZY - a cat on three paws

A disabled cat finds its way

Marlies Theurer, Helmut Theurer

Romane & Erzählungen


24 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783848254477

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 17.12.2012

Sprache: Englisch

9,95 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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The grey-haired kitten Jazzy was born in a home for animals. She needs her mummy more than her siblings do. Jazzy only wants her mummy`s milk and only wants to cuddle with her. When Jazzy is nine weeks old, she moves into an apartment tower with her new family. In her soul Jazzy soon has two new mummys - the girl and her mother. When Jazzy is one year old she gets hit by a car and is badly injured. After four weeks her back paw is amputated. Because of this destiny Jazzy becomes the favourite pet in the whole apartment tower. Jazzy fights herself through with her disability and finds a way.
Marlies Theurer

Marlies Theurer

Marlies Theurer, Jahrgang 1951, erlitt durch einen Fahrradunfall ein schweres Schädelhirntrauma. Dadurch wurde sie nach 18 Berufsjahren als Erzieherin erwerbsunfähig. Da entdeckte sie ihre Liebe zum Schreiben.

Helmut Theurer

Helmut Theurer

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