Invisible String. Life is a Story -

Invisible String. Life is a Story -

Julia Dahm


80 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710849244

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.09.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Visiting my grandparents for the summer was supposed to be fun. The best summer of my life.
But that was scratched off the list the second I learned who my new coworker was.
Grumpy, idiotic and childish, Adam is literally unnerving and robbing me of peace in my life.
But there is no way around him. He's everywhere. And with my grandma set on bettering things between us, I have no other choice than to accept his presence. Not if I actually want to save what I hold dear to my heart.
But after spending more and more shifts with him, after revealing truths and growing to be content around him, the store of my Grandparents might not be the only thing on the brink of safety. My feelings might just be too.
And just maybe, all along, there was some invisible string, tying me to him, and him to me.
Julia Dahm

Julia Dahm

Hey! Ich bin Julia, 19 Jahre alt und komme von Norderney. Ich liebe Tiere, und in meiner Freizeit liebe ich es zu lesen und zu zeichnen :)

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