Introduction of blockchain into the commodity trading process

Introduction of blockchain into the commodity trading process

Understanding the relationship between radical innovation and the value chain model in the case of commodity trading

Christoph Ulbig

Wirtschaft & Management


56 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783961167777


Erscheinungsdatum: 15.11.2018

Sprache: Englisch

29,99 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Within the last years blockchain has become more in focus of the commodity trading sector because of its reputed potential. The characteristics of blockchain can be used to make it to an infrastructure technology. The trend toward the use of blockchain therefore furthers the optimization of the entire value chain and reduction of the friction costs within the trading process. To reduce friction costs and to make use of the characteristics of blockchain, the technology is being introduced as a radical innovation into the commodity trading value chain. The focus of this thesis is on the resulting effects on the value chain after implementation. The research is conducted in a qualitative way, with an inductive research approach. Data is collected in order to build the theory, and interviews are conducted using the Gioia methodology for data analysis.
The findings indicate that the value chain as a source of competitive advantage is affected in an overall positive way for firms. Competitive advantage is supported by value-adding effects and cost reduction, which are both are enhanced through the use of blockchain. In addition, the results indicate that the competitive advantage of a company is also supported through power. The power that results from independence and control of data and information is enhanced by blockchain. It is therefore possible to conclude that the value chain of a company is positively affected by the radical innovation of blockchain. This leads to a greater competitive advantage for the company and positive performance in a competitive environment.
Christoph Ulbig

Christoph Ulbig

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