How to Study

How to Study

Frank M. Mcmurry

Karriere & Finanzen


564,9 KB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783748178644

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 11.02.2019

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: self help, study tecniques, Success

2,99 €

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No doubt every one can recall peculiar methods of study that he or some one else has at some time followed. During my attendance at high school I often studied aloud at home, along with several other temporary or permanent members of the family. I remember becoming exasperated at times by one of my girl companions. She not only read her history aloud, but as she read she stopped to repeat each sentence five times with great vigor. Although the din interfered with my own work, I could not help but admire her endurance; for the physical labor of mastering a lesson was certainly equal to that of a good farm hand, for the same period of time.
This way of studying history seemed extremely ridiculous. But the method pursued by myself and several others in beginning algebra at about the same time was not greatly superior. Our text-book contained several long sets of problems which were the terror of the class, and scarcely one of which we were able to solve alone. We had several friends, however, who could solve them, and, by calling upon them for help, we obtained the "statement" for each one. All these statements I memorized, and in that way I was able to "pass off" the subject...
Frank M. Mcmurry

Frank M. Mcmurry

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