How To Live. Life is a Story -

How To Live. Life is a Story -

Ehsan Allahyar Parsa

Selbsthilfe & Recht


80 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710853319

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 11.08.2023

Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Mehr Infos
For a quarter century Ehsan has been searching for THE book. That one single manual needed to navigate life successfully.

PLOT TWIST: All of those told him he has to define it himself!

Well, here he goes. He moses-splits his two brain halves and lets you enter into synapses he didn't even know existed before his thoughts metamorphosed into this book.

He has just the right amount of reflective intelligence to acknowledge the limits of his spiritual and scientific wisdom which - lucky for us - didn't hinder him to publish with full authenticity and vulnerability.

He appreciates your trust in allowing him to help you discover your best self. Like in a happy marriage he loves you the way you are while gently nudging you towards the best version of yourself.

His curated analysis of the bestselling personal growth and development literature is the perfect entry point to this genre.

This book is highly recommended to anyone who lives or plans on doing so at least once before they die.
Ehsan Allahyar Parsa

Ehsan Allahyar Parsa

A restless globetrotter with 43 countries and 12 hometowns under my belt, I've soaked up languages like a sponge. I financed my Master's in Business Administration by working as a flight attendant, juggling countless side hustles along the way.
A true Persian at heart, I tutored math and swapped Netflix & Chill for chess & chai. I was even awarded a scholarship by Angela Merkel herself! At the UN, I championed migrant entrepreneurship, and my social ed-tech startup even made it to the German version of Shark Tank.

After three decades of searching for THE book, the ultimate life guide, I realized: I had to write it myself. The result you are holding in your hands is an honest, vulnerable peek into my synapses.

If you're looking for inspiration and a nudge in the right direction, let's write your next chapter together. Follow me on Instagram / LinkedIn for more insights and inspiration!

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