How to Find and Convince Investors

How one finances good ideas, innovations, companies and growth

Luigi Carlo De Micco

Wirtschaft & Management


160 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783842330689

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 02.11.2010

Sprache: Englisch

24,90 €

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Mehr Infos
"Finding and convincing investors" is a practical book, whereby the reader gains an insight into how investors think and make decisions.
The author, who introduced his own company on the Stock Exchange back in 2000, has himself been active for over ten years as a consultant and investor in various industries. He further was as an entrepreneur, also successful from the onset in acquiring capital for his growth plans; he as such knows both sides of the capital market.

In "Finding and convincing investors," the reader learns from the perspective of an experienced investor, what is factors in terms of ideas, innovations, businesses or growth plans are important ,when attracting investors. The book describes various forms of investment and financing opportunities, including the IPO, and explains the main points that differentiate the various types of investors. The reader is given practical support for his financing, from selection of a suitable investor, through the conception and communication of a capital market-oriented corporate presentation (equity story), up to the optimal presentation of a business plan.

The most important success factors in persuading investors are discussed and elaborated on using practical examples. The focus is less on the technical, but rather more on the communicative aspects, which are the crucial success factors.
Luigi Carlo De Micco

Luigi Carlo De Micco

LLuigi Carlo De Micco ist Jahrgang 1964 und lebt seit 2001 in seiner Wahlheimat Monte Carlo. Luigi ist heute mit seinem Beratungsunternehmen De Micco & Friends, welches er mit über 500 assoziierten Partnern zu einer der führenden Kanzleien in Europa ausgebaut hat, international als Berater für Investoren engagiert. (

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