

How I travel at home to always be on holiday

Regina Toedter

Heimat & Historisches


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DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783769345940

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 14.01.2025

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Urlaub, Zuhause, Staycation, Holistay, Tourismuskritik

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Mehr Infos
Forget stressful holiday planning, the hassle of packing, endless flights, traffic jams and jet lag. No more disappointing hotel rooms, well-trodden paths and searching for paradise on the other side of the world... With Holistay, your holiday starts in your own backyard. Are you ready for the trip of a lifetime?
Regina Toedter

Regina Toedter

Regina used to travel a lot. "Because it was part of life and because that's what people do", she says. But the real (life) journey began with her studies in social sciences and humanities - not only because she was investigating the phenomenon of tourism from a cultural-critical perspective, but also because it was about larger questions of life. "The more I focussed on the beautiful things in everyday life, the less I was drawn to faraway places", she realised. Today she makes Holistay, 365 days a year.

Website: www.reginatoedter.de

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