In a quiet English town, a college student lives on the margins of life, their world confined by the walls of chronic illnesses, and the whispers of a life they long to live. They seek refuge under the Willow tree, and within the dusty corners of the old college library, where the stories of others become their only escape. But one day, they stumble upon something unexpected, something that feels different from everything they have always known. It's a discovery that connects them to a world they never imagined- a world where they are not as alone as they once believed. This story is filled with sadness and glimpses of hope. Will they surrender to the shadows, or rewrite their story and discover the courage to live on their terms? Join them in this moving tale that proves that even in the face of a lifelong illness, one can find strength, solace, and the will to live.
Hidden in the margins marks 18-year-old Magali Elisa Moon's debut. After living with chronic illnesses for a few years now, she noticed a lack of representation for those with similar experiences and was inspired to write her own book. Despite the challenges of writing with limited energy, she was committed to creating a book that resonates with readers who feel overlooked. Through her writing, Magali hopes to remind readers that their voice matters and that even when faced with doubt, they can achieve remarkable things.
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