Freedom For No One

Thoughts on Non-Duality

Andreas Müller, D. Justine Jeyaraj

Geistes-, Sozial- & Kulturwissenschaften


116 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783769310726

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 07.11.2024

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Nonduality, Liberation, Nondualism, Advaita, awakening

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The whole set up of the illusion - awareness, experience, unfulfilment and seeking - is illusory. It is as real and unreal as anything else. Sitting on a chair happens. Well, it apparently happens. No one is doing it. No one needs to do it. Same with everything else: breathing, thinking, feeling, the room, the atmosphere. It is all apparently happening. 

This book contains a series of e-mails that happened between D. Justine Jeyaraj and Andreas Müller throughout the year 2023.
Andreas Müller

Andreas Müller

Andreas was born in 1979 in Ludwigsburg in Southern Germany. After years of seeking in spirituality, he met Tony Parsons in 2009:

First, I was shocked. Though I had already known and experienced a lot, this was something new and unexpected. Suddenly, for no reason, I heard what Tony was saying, and soon it was undeniable:
There is no one.

Since 2011, Andreas has been holding talks and intensives throughout the world.


D. Justine Jeyaraj

D. Justine Jeyaraj

D. Justine Jeyaraj was born in 1951 into a Catholic Christian family at Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. Graduate in B.A.Sociology. His encounter with Andreas Müller he describes as follows: One day in late 2022, while scrolling in my iPad, I came across a website called, created by a young man called Andreas Muller. Whatever I read in that website gave me literally goose bumps. I knew that at last I have arrived at something I longed for more than 50 years, as I am now in my seventies.

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