FMEA workbook Design-FMEA

FMEA workbook Design-FMEA

Create your first own FMEA. Step by step guide for self-study and as a companion to our courses with concrete FMEA facilitator questions

Martin Werdich, Julian Häußer

Industrie & Technik


66 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783946073246

Verlag: FMEAplus Akademie Gmbh

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.07.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Design-FMEA, Step by step instructions, Self-study, Moderation, AIAG

38,98 €

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Mehr Infos
Step by step instructions for self-study and as an accompaniment
about our courses with specific FMEA moderator questions.

We have created these step-by-step instructions specifically for state-of-the-art and scientific self-study courses. We go with you step by step through all 7 phases of an FMEA project.
If you work through this workbook systematically, you will have created a complete FMEA at the end.
You will then be able to create your own FMEAs.
Martin Werdich

Martin Werdich

The author Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martin Werdich, born in 1963, studied mechanical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in
Vineyard. In addition to general engineering work for various employers in his first years of employment, he focused on project management and energy technology. From 2001 to 2006 he worked as a development engineer and project manager for diesel engines and steering systems at DaimlerChrysler and ThyssenKrupp.
In 2006 he successfully founded Werdich Engineering GmbH ( FMEA training and moderation are his specialties, international customer projects often take him to Denmark, Hungary, Austria and Switzerland.
This book was created from the experience of training and moderation as well as constant and intensive training in the field of FMEA. His goal is to establish and further develop the FMEA method in order to optimize products and productivity in the product development process.

Julian Häußer

Julian Häußer

The author M. Eng. Julian Häußer, born in 1992, studied mechanical engineering at the DHBW Stuttgart and industrial engineering at the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences. Even during his studies and in his master's thesis, he dealt intensively with the topic of FMEA. Immediately after graduating, he successfully completed an FMEA moderator training course. Since 2017 he has moderated, coached and trained for national and international customer projects for Werdich Engineering GmbH and FMEAplus Akademie GmbH. In addition, he has specialized in the subject of FMEA software and supports customers very early on in the selection of a suitable FMEA tool.
The knowledge gained in this way will be incorporated into this new edition of the specialist book.

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