

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Haydar Zorlu, Ray Wilkins

Klassiker & Lyrik


94 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783769326673

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 09.01.2025

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Goethe, zorlu, Wilkins, haydar, Faust

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Faust is not everybodies cup of tea especially when it`s in English. Being bilingual I am able to enjoy Goethes works in the original German and be able to drink coffee and translate this poetic masterpiece into the English language which in itself was no easy feat.
When Haydar visited me in August 2017 he of course brought his Faust Manuscript with him and coerced me into playing Doctor Faust while he played Mephisto. I was immediately pulled into the magic and insanity of Goethes work and since that day have been addicted.
I became obsessed with translating Haydars version of Faust into English and over the last 5 years sometimes wished that I was not. But the obsession became a reality and here, my dear readers is the finished work.
Ray Wilkins.
Haydar Zorlu

Haydar Zorlu

Haydar Zorlu, in der Türkei geboren, lebte vom 1979 bis 2011 in Köln. Er studierte Jura, Germanistik, Romanistik, Pädagogik und Politikwissenschaften an der Universität zu Köln und absolvierte eine Schauspielausbildung beim Bob McAndrew Studio N.Y. Nach etlichen Film und Fernsehproduktionen wie Tatort, Küstenwache, Verschollen etc. spielte Zorlu von 2006 bis 2011 eines der Hauptrollen in der beliebten österreichischen Serie Oben Ohne unter der Regie von Reinhard Schwabenitzky. Seit 2009 spielt Zorlu sein Faust-Solo, abwechselnd in deutscher und in türkischer Sprache, erfolgreich in Istanbul.

Website: www.faust-solo.de

Ray Wilkins

Ray Wilkins

Ray Wilkins is an Australian artist, linguist, coach and author. He lives and works in Eitorf, a small town 40 km from Cologne. He specialises in novels centererd around the legends of the Australian Aborigines and holistic therapy. He is also a Songwriter and theater and music festival producer.

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