Extended World Travel

Extended World Travel

How to take a break from the rat race and travel the world with your family

Maria Berkestam, Magnus Drysén

Selbsthilfe & Recht


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ISBN-13: 9783732229123

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 21.06.2013

Sprache: Englisch

9,99 €

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Mehr Infos
Do You Dream of Traveling the World?

Of going on that Long Journey of a Lifetime? Maybe together with your whole family?
This book will teach you all about how Extended World Travel is possible for YOU too!
It’s not a book for finding the cheapest airline or the most affordable hotels. When you read this book, you will understand things like:

- Why traveling actually is good for you! You’ll see how you too can benefit from taking time off and getting out in the world
- How to get the money you’ll need for traveling
- How to find the time to take months off from your everyday commitments
- How to leave your job in order to go on the journey of your life
- How to handle the school issue, take your kids out in the world and let them collect first hand experiences
- How to deal with dream stealers and find the support you need to really be able to go on your dream trip – with a clean conscience
- How to travel and stay for free.
- How to handle issues you might have around health, crime, or maybe fear of flying – and learn how you can prepare yourself and feel and be more safe
- How to live a freer and more independent life even when you’re back from your trip (if you do choose to come back)
- How to create a trip that allows you to indulge in things that make your heart sing and find your perfect way to create your best trip ever
Maria Berkestam

Maria Berkestam

Maria Berkestam has many passions in life. The two biggest are her family, and traveling. Together with her husband Magnus, (co-author of this book) and her three children she has created a lifestyle which has made it possible for them to travel whenever they want and for as long as they want. With her family, she has, since the mid nineties, traveled extensively around the world and made 7 journeys of about 6 months each, as well as lots of shorter trips - and is very much looking forward to the next one.

Magnus Drysén

Magnus Drysén

Magnus Drysén, like his wife Maria (co-author of this book), has traveled since he was a little child. Having a family hasn’t stopped him from continuing to explore the world – the more the merrier. A passion for living a freer life, with room for going on long journeys, has inspired him and his family to look deeply into what suits them. This has led to their special lifestyle. In the last fifteen years he has taken many long term trips around the world together with his wife and their 3 children and is planning many more.

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