Emission free energy from the deserts

Emission free energy from the deserts

How a crazy Desertec idea has become reality in North Africa and the Middle East

Paul Van Son, Thomas Isenburg

Industrie & Technik


332 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9789492460264

Verlag: Smart Book Publisher

Erscheinungsdatum: 26.11.2019

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Emission Free Energy, solar power

29,99 €

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10 years ago the idea that solar and wind energy in desert areas could become a major source of energy for the world sounded like crazy. The German industry and a German NGO launched in those days a Desertec1.0 plan to bring electrical power from the North African deserts to Europe, even to Germany. A long journey of studies, regional and international stakeholder discussions and many trials and errors have followed. Desertec1.0 became Desertec2.0 in 2015 when the industry initiative Dii relocated from Munich to Dubai focusing on developments and benefits in the MENA region. Today all desert countries have adopted the basic Desertec idea, which is swiftly migrating to Desertec3.0: MENA countries to become an emission free power house for green electrons and green molecules (such as hydrogen) for their own people and for the world markets.
The exciting story of Dii Desert Energy and emission free energy perspectives for all are smartly presented and discussed in this book by Paul van Son and Thomas Isenburg....
Paul Van Son

Paul Van Son

Paul van Son studied electrical engineering at the TU Delft and Corporate Governance at the University of Economics Nyenrode. During his 40-year career, van Son was at the forefront of new developments in the international energy industry, a.o. as a manager at Siemens, TenneT and Essent. In addition to his position as CEO of Dii Desert Energy, he has been in a leading position at innogy since 2015. Paul van Son is the co-founder and honorary President of EFET (the European Federation of Energy Traders).

Thomas Isenburg

Thomas Isenburg

Thomas Isenburg studied chemistry at the Philipps University in Marburg and worked at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. He holds a PhD in chemistry. The completion of his doctoral degree was followed by management positions in the small and medium enterprise sector (SME) and as a science journalist.For many years Dr. Isenburg has cultivated a journalistic and a personal passion for industry sustainability in Europa and Africa and has been active as a teacher.

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