

Johann Wolfgang   von Goethe

Klassiker & Lyrik


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DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783749450725

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 07.04.2019

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: classics fiction, Dramatic, german fiction

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Jetter (steps forward, and bends his cross-bow). Soest, Buyck, Ruysum
Soest. Come, shoot away, and have done with it! You won't beat me! Three black rings, you never made such a shot in all your life. And so I'm master for this year.
Jetter. Master and king to boot; who envies you? You'll have to pay double reckoning; 'tis only fair you should pay for your dexterity.
Buyck. Jetter, I'll buy your shot, share the prize, and treat the company. I have already been here so long, and am a debtor for so many civilities. If I miss, then it shall be as if you had shot.
Soest. I ought to have a voice, for in fact I am the loser. No matter! Come, Buyck, shoot away.
Buyck (shoots). Now, corporal, look out!-One! Two! Three! Four!
Soest. Four rings! So be it!
All. Hurrah! Long live the King! Hurrah! Hurrah!
Johann Wolfgang   von Goethe

Johann Wolfgang   von Goethe

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