After a devastating collapse of civilization, the world is in ruins. Nature has reclaimed itself and humanity is fighting for survival. But in this shattered reality there is hope - in the form of two young people.
Aetheris and Isaac fight side by side for survival. They quickly notice that their unique skills fit together perfectly. This is how they unlock the secrets of the old world together.
"Echoes of Destruction" tells of hope and love in a world where extraordinary powers can make the difference between destruction and a new beginning.
is a 14-year-old aspiring author. At a young age, she developed a passion for writing and creating fantastic worlds. Her fascination with stories that transcend the boundaries of reality is reflected in her works, which often combine dystopian and magical elements. Julia grew up in a small town near Berlin, where she became involved in the world of books and literature at an early age. Her love of stories began with reading fantasy and science fiction novels, which inspired her to create her own worlds and characters.
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