To be able to perform the demanding techniques of the Dim Mak Nerve Points based on the old Chinese martial arts, it is vital for every contestant to prepare the mind and body to the challenge. Regrettably speed and strength alone do not suffice. Considerable forces are being released during the exercise of this nerve point technique. Without the physical and psychological preparation for these techniques it is more likely that health damages incur.
In jungen Jahren Kendo japanischer Schwertkampf in Berlin Ab dem Alter von 20 Jahren Wing Tsun in Berlin Personenschützer Ausbildung Krav Maga in Israel Nahkampf Ausbildung Israel Dim Mak Ausbildung Hong Kong Bodyguard und Rückholer in Brasilien Derzeit Nahkampf Ausbildner Biografie Geheime Geiselbefreiung Die Entführungsindustrie Die geheimen Tätigkeiten eines Bodyguards und Rückholers
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