Diary of an Aged April

Diary of an Aged April

a month in the life of a poet on the southern hemisphere


Band 1: poetry & drawing

Klassiker & Lyrik


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DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783754391105

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 23.08.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Adventure and discovery, Love and Art, Nature, Friends, and Muses, Love's uplift is worth the risk of downfall., Creative work and self realization

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During his venture to explore Southern Africa, the poet worked as a draftsman, co-ordinator for craftsmen, and as an architect, having successfully completed prescribed studies at WITS-University. Travels took him, besides around the southern continent of Africa, to the British Isles, the capitols of Europe, Egypt, Dubai, Israel, the Canary Islands, and Madeira.
Besides writing short stories, he returned always to poetry, his beloved genre. With the medium of the Internet, he made many friends and he also met some loveable Muses, who encouraged him with his poetry.
During one spring an intense relationship developed with his Muses. Inspired by Odysseus Elytis' poems, he decided to capture one month in his life in love by means of creating a diary of his adventures. Thus 'Diary of an Aged April' reflected his physical and emotional state of that month of his birth.
Besides, Africa was changing and the poet had to move forward.


Born in Eastern Austria, close to the Hungarian border, he witnessed as a young man the horrors of a nation's suppression, erupting in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. He finished his education in art and architecture in Vienna, married, and sailed for the Cape of Africa, an adventure that followed his childhood dreams. He had drawn African animals for his art classes, but the time had come to see them in their natural habitat.
Meeting a varied facet of people and cultures, working as a draftsman in an engineering office, as an architect for a cultural center, as a coordinator of craftsmen and professionals, he made good use of his language skills traveling throughout Southern Africa.
During his trip to Lesotho, a native artist showed him rock paintings with their stark palimpsest outlines and with typified movements of animals and humans. It made a lasting impression on him and influenced his artistic work.
His vast collection of drawings and slides had been lost during a change of domiciles, but further studies of the San-people reawakened his dormant artistic longing for expression of his art, filling sketchbooks with drawings and notepads with poetry and prose. While revisiting the capitals of Europe, he sensed the bond of art being borderless and free, reaching out across continents into the world.
During a visit to Greece, he was accepted into a circle of artists and poets, who encouraged him to continue his art and a friend introduced him to the works of famous Greek poets.
In South Africa, he joined the writing and poetry workshops of Writers Write. It was to open the floodgates of his creativity.
He decided to travel through Greece and visit the sites of antiquity, read up on Classical mythology, and enjoy translations of Greek poetry and prose.
He settled 2013/14 in Klosterneuburg-Weidling. Poet Nikolaus Lenau is buried here. Franz Kafka had visited here. Their writings will always be an inspiration.

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