Über drei Generationen wird ein klappriges, salbeigrünes Fahrrad weitergegeben. Die Frauen, die es fahren, haben mehr gemeinsam, als sie denken und hoffen. Über Mütter, Töchter, transgenerationale Traumata und den Wunsch, frei zu werden.
I studied Political Science at LMU Munich and dedicated my Bachelor thesis to the question of how to fix a broken international monetary system in a way that effectively bridges the climate finance gap.
I follow the vision of enjoying every process without being attached to the outcomes. To illustrate this, consider a journey: it's most enjoyable when youre not constantly focused on reaching its end. Applied to life itself, this principle has become a powerful personal mantra (and book title): Life is a journey :)
With this book, I aimed to create two companions for your own personal journey you might undergo at this very moment.
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