Commander of no fixed abode. Life is a Story -

Commander of no fixed abode. Life is a Story -

Tabitha Nduruma


80 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710886034

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 31.08.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est, "Speak no ill of the dead." But tell their stories so that they may live on. Not to see another sunrise but to find a new home in the minds of the living. May my brave forefathers and warrior mothers find eternal peace and rest in new homes over the horizon of imaginary boundaries they never got to cross.
Tabitha Nduruma

Tabitha Nduruma

A 27-year-old African girl pursuing a Masters in Environmental Protection at the University of Hohenheim, Germany. Most importantly: a Homo Sapien, an earthling, a child of the Stone Dynasty, and a living descendant of 'The Commander of no fixed abode'.

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