Colliding Lives. Life is a Story -

Colliding Lives. Life is a Story -

Aurelia M. Ruck


68 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710845765

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.09.2023

Sprache: Englisch, Deutsch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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6 People. 6 Worlds. 6 different lives with different meanings and endings. Separate and yet unknowingly and unconditionally intertwined. A connection that should never be noticed but can't go unnoticed anymore. When worlds collide and crumble, what will be left?
Aurelia M. Ruck

Aurelia M. Ruck

Born in April 2005 in Augsburg, I had a very joyous and vibrant childhood spanning over several countries. I lived in Cameroon and Tansania for several years which ignited my passion for travel and discovery and my love for culture. While there, I also fell in love with language and the art of writing. Shaping thoughts and ideas onto paper has always felt like magic to me. Currently, I'm studying law back home and writing whenever possible. As my muse, I have my love for dancing and music as well as my cats. I make it my mission to enjoy life as much as possible and help others do the same. I believe that it is our responsibility to give as much as we take. With my writing, I hope to inspire my readers to the same.

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