Cloud Security Volume 2 Best Practice

Cloud Security Volume 2 Best Practice

2nd Edition 2021

Uwe Irmer

Industrie & Technik


136 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783754300916

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 20.05.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Cloud technology, Data Security, information security, Dev Ops, agile

34,75 €

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Mehr Infos
Cloud technology seems to be the business driver of the last few years. According to several studies, international corporations as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are looking to move their information technology to the cloud.

Expectations are high and briefly summarised:
Low costs for the use of information technology, flexible use and invoicing, always technologically up to date, high availability, high agility, no commitment of own resources, no responsibility for operation and maintenance.

But what about governance compliance, responsibility towards information security and data protection? How is the cloud technology integrated into the company in compliance with laws, regulations and specifications, what responsibility does the management have, how are processes to be adapted, what effects arise for the company, what are the risks? Will changes occur in the company, what needs to be adapted?
How are data protection laws complied with and how is information security?
And how does the company protect itself against data theft, manipulation, destruction and possibly espionage?

Cloud Security Basics in the updated 2nd edition shows which measures are necessary to be able to use cloud technology securely.

After discussing the cloud technology with its architecture and the different objects that are available, the book describes the necessary organisational and technical measures to achieve security.
It looks at governance, compliance, risk management, information security management and specifically addresses the situation of data protection.

Finally, the book provides recommendations on which measures should be implemented.
Uwe Irmer

Uwe Irmer

Dipl. Ing. Uwe Irmer studied electrical engineering and industrial engineering with a focus on energy technology, computer science and project management. Since 1990, he has been involved in many national and international projects in the fields of energy distribution and IT infrastructures. Since 1992, he has been working in the field of information security and researching in the areas of IT forensics, information security, artificial intelligence and cloud technology.

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