Clausewitz goes global

Clausewitz goes global

Carl von Clausewitz in the 21st Century

Reiner Pommerin (Hrsg.)

Gesellschaft, Politik & Medien


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ISBN-13: 9783937885544

Verlag: Miles-Verlag

Erscheinungsdatum: 07.06.2012

Sprache: Englisch

27,99 €

inkl. MwSt.

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This Festschrift commemorates the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Clausewitz-Society in the Federal Republic of Germany of 1961. This volume follows the intentions of the Clausewitz-Society as described by one of its for-mer presidents: “to view the current tasks of politics and strategy as reflected in the insights of Carl von Clausewitz and thus examine which of the principles and insights formulated by Clausewitz are still important today and are thus endowed with an enduring validity”. The board and the members of the Clausewitz-Society therefore supported the idea to examine how and when the works of Clausewitz have been interpreted in selected countries of our world; further, the goal here has been to analyze the role that Clausewitz’s thought still plays in these countries.

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Reiner Pommerin

Reiner Pommerin (Hrsg.)

Dr. Reiner Pommerin is Professor Emeritus of the University of Dresden, Colonel (Res) and member of the Clausewitz-Society

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