Black Forest Stories

Black Forest Stories

Berthold Auerbach

Science Fiction & Fantasy


686,8 KB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783748137344

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 16.01.2019

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: german fairytales, Fable, german myths

2,99 €

inkl. MwSt.

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"It is a singular story, and yet intimately connected with the great events of modern history, or, what is almost the same thing, with the history of Napoleon. Those were memorable times. Every farmer could see the whole array of history manoeuvre and pass in review beneath his dormer-window: kings and emperors behaved like play-actors, and, sometimes assumed a different dress and a different character in every scene. And all this gorgeous spectacle was at the farmer's service, costing him nothing but his house and home, and occasionally, perhaps, his life. My neighbor Hansgeorge was not quite so unlucky,-as the story will show..."
Berthold Auerbach

Berthold Auerbach

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