

Understanding the Language of Life

Irene Zweifel-Lanz

Gesundheit, Ernährung & Fitness


124 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783738692464

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 04.04.2016

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: energy healing experiments, bioenergetic basics, bioenergy healing, subtle-energy-testing, ley-line and earth energies

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"North foehn wind in Maloja, Switzerland. Swirling snowflakes - in the glistening sun they resemble a ballet of crystals. Is it not nearly a miracle that each snowflake is said to have its own individual vibrational field and its own unique crystalline structure? Each snowflake is one of a kind. A miracle?"
In this nonfiction book, Irene Zweifel-Lanz describes bioenergetic phenomena and invites her readers to reflect and call into question, to researchand to test. In appealing ways, she uses personal account to illustrate the diversity of bioenergy.
Irene Zweifel-Lanz

Irene Zweifel-Lanz

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