April 1955: Most people still think of meditation as contemplation or diffcult concentration, a path for monks and ascetics. Then Maharishi Mahesh Yogi sets out alone from the Himalayas and begins to revive in India and around the world the ancient knowledge of the Vedas that was previously reserved for a few initiates only: the technique by which we can effortlessly dive inward and find in the depths of our own consciousness our true Self, the transcendence, the source of all creation. His descriptions of how he leads more and more people to their inner Self give us first-hand insights into the beginningm of a worldwide movement for spiritual regeneration, which has led to terms such as Ayurveda, mindfulness, meditation, self-discovery, spirituality and yoga being on everyone’s lips in the West today.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (1918-2008) war der Gründer der Transzendentalen Meditation (TM). Er brachte die Praxis in den 1950er Jahren in den Westen, woraufhin weltweit Meditationszentren entstanden. Seine Wiederbelebung der alten indischen Yoga-Technik unter dem Namen Transzendentale Meditation ist medizinisch anerkannt u.a. zur Behandlung von Angststörungen, Depressionen, posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen und Schlafproblemen. Maharishis Lebenswerk war es, das versprengte vedische Wissen in ein ganzheitliches System der Vedischen Wissenschaft zu bringen und für den modernen Menschen nutzbar zu machen.
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