Becoming a Master

Becoming a Master

Book 1: Transformation

Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min, Adamus St. Germain

Band 1: Becoming a Master

Gesundheit, Ernährung & Fitness


117,4 KB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783749417513

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 04.06.2019

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Becoming aware, awareness, Adamus St. Germain, enligthment, ascended master, Becoming a Master, Transformation, Fifth Dimension

13,99 €

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The earth is in a time of transition. A time that could not be more challenging. In almost every area of life, it becomes apparent that the past has reached its expiration date and it needs new ways.
They are not yet obvious, because you can only find them outside the usual patterns of thinking and so far, only a few people dared to think beyond the known.
The book is aimed to people who are on a very personal path of awareness and therefore, leave the usual norms and structures more and more behind them. People that open up for the new time and therefore, for new ways and solutions.
Susanne Edelmann

Susanne Edelmann

Current human embodiment of Lady Nayla Og-Min and writing author.


Lady Nayla Og-Min

Lady Nayla Og-Min

Ascended Master, often embodied as a human. She has been a frequent member of the White Brotherhood leadership throughout her long life, but currently supports on Earth the various realms of various dimensions and on various other planetary constellations within her role within the Galactic Federation of Light.

Adamus St. Germain

Adamus St. Germain

Aufgestiegener Meister, derzeit nicht als Mensch vekörpert.

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