BabyBelly Nutrition

BabyBelly Nutrition


Birgit Reinshagen, Mia Reinshagen

Eltern & Kinder


98 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783753444093

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.04.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: pregnancy, nutrition, TTC - Trying to conceive, Pregnancy Calendar, Fertility

22,00 €

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Mehr Infos
BabyBelly Nutrition provides science-based advice to increase your chances of getting pregnant and shape your baby's future health. It all comes down to nutrition - before and during pregnancy. The book also includes a comprehensive pregnancy calendar with nutrition top tips in a week by week format.
Birgit Reinshagen

Birgit Reinshagen

A mother-daughter project. The content of this book was put together by Birgit Reinshagen, a senior nutritionist and communication expert, active in the area of maternal and early childhood nutrition for more than 25 years. Birgit holds a Master in Nutrition and has worked as Communication Strategist in various Agencies and the Food Industry during her entire professional career. Her daughter, Mia Reinshagen, a young communication designer for digital & social media has developed the graphical design for BabyBelly Nutrition.

Mia Reinshagen

Mia Reinshagen

A mother-daughter project. The content of this book was put together by Birgit Reinshagen, a senior nutritionist and communication expert, active in the area of maternal and early childhood nutrition for more than 25 years. Birgit holds a Master in Nutrition and has worked as Communication Strategist in various Agencies and the Food Industry during her entire professional career. Her daughter, Mia Reinshagen, a young communication designer for digital & social media has developed the graphical design for BabyBelly Nutrition.

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