Audit criteria for electronic document management processes and associated IT solutions

Audit criteria for electronic document management processes and associated IT solutions

Alexander D. Balzer, Dr. Klaus-Peter Elpel, Volker Feist, Wilhelm Flintrop, Axel Janhoff, Ralf Kaspras, Lothar Leger, Jörg Rogalla, Dr. Christoph Sutter , VOI Verband Organisations- und Informationssysteme e.V. (Hrsg.)

Industrie & Technik


140 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783932898280

Verlag: Voi Service Gmbh

Erscheinungsdatum: 10.05.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: IT Compliance, information security, Audit criteria for electronic document management processes, IT Guidelines, Digital transformation

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Without the use of IT, our everyday life and our supply of goods and services would no longer be conceivable. However, cybercrime, misuse of values and rights, lack of evidence, etc. reveal equally weighty downsides.
On the one hand, companies and organizations are expected to ensure information security and compliance with laws and regulations. On the other hand, implementation in digital processes is highly complex. The organizational structures from the pre-digitization era are not suitable for this.
How can information security and compliance be implemented in an economically appropriate, practical and future-proof manner?

The prerequisite is to be able to organize and precisely control IT deployment in the respective area of operation in a holistic manner.
The following aspects, among others, are highlighted:
- Ongoing consistency of technical and organizational processes
- Availability, confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of digital content
- Up-to-date and evidence-based documentation of processes (procedural documentation)

An answer to the specific HOW can be found in the VOI PK-DML, the guide and audit framework for information security and compliance that has been continuously developed and proven in practice for 20 years:
- Suitable for all company sizes
- Quickly identify vulnerabilities and inconsistencies
- Applicable internationally
- Basic coverage of all information security requirements

The VOI PK-DML are a guide by practitioners for practitioners. You can get started immediately and achieve great benefits with little effort.
Alexander D. Balzer

Alexander D. Balzer

Dr. Klaus-Peter Elpel

Dr. Klaus-Peter Elpel

Volker Feist

Volker Feist

Wilhelm Flintrop

Wilhelm Flintrop

Axel Janhoff

Axel Janhoff

Ralf Kaspras

Ralf Kaspras

Dipl.-Inform. Ralf Kaspras
Leader of the AC-DMS working group of VOI e.V.

Lothar Leger

Lothar Leger

Jörg Rogalla

Jörg Rogalla

Dr. Christoph Sutter

Dr. Christoph Sutter

Dr. Christoph Sutter
Head of the Certification Body TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH

VOI Verband Organisations- und Informationssysteme e.V.

VOI Verband Organisations- und Informationssysteme e.V. (Hrsg.)

VOI - voice of information - is the specific sector association for suppliers and users of all kinds of electronic document processes. These include among others the areas of electronic document management and archiving (DMS), Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Enterprise Information Management (EIM). The main areas of activity of VOI include the development of "Best Practice" recommendations and standards and design of legal certainty and auditability.

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