Atemlos. Life is a Story -

Atemlos. Life is a Story -

Julia Leuker

Romane & Erzählungen


80 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710882975

Verlag: publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 19.09.2023

Sprache: Deutsch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

sofort verfügbar

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Eigentlich gibt es keinen perfekter Mord- oder etwa doch? Als eine Schülerin aus einem Vorort von Amsterdam über Nacht ins Jenseits befördert wird, stellt sich genau diese Frage. Scheinbar unbemerkt schleicht der Täter in die Träume seiner Opfer. Die einzige Spur ist eine vermeintlich unberührte Leiche. Welches Motiv hat ein Mörder bei einer ahnungslosen Schülerin? Was passiert, wenn der wahre Schuldige nicht gefunden wird?
Julia Leuker

Julia Leuker

Mia and Hannah, who have different names in real life, were my best friends for many years. I've known them since I was 10 years old and practically grew up with them. We've been through all the ups and downs of growing up as teenage girls together. We shared seven years, which I just can't forget. But there are no guarantees for even the closest of friendships. However, I never thought it would be like this with us. Today, there are many unanswered questions that I ask myself. My book contains my thoughts, worries and fears from those three years when our friendship fell apart. I hope that with my words I can help other young people out there who feel the same way or who may even recognise themselves in my experiences. You are not alone and it will get better, I promise. Above all, this book contains all the things I couldn't talk about when our friendship fell apart.

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