

Astronomy rules for more efficient: economy & currency, knowledge & wisdom, peace & liberty, health & wealth and welfare & sustainability - world-wide!

Albert Bright , Helmut Rasch (Hrsg.)

Band 3/3: GlobalOnomy

Wirtschaft & Management


3,2 MB

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ISBN-13: 9783753415956

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 16.04.2021

Sprache: Englisch

4,99 €

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Astronomy-rules for a better GlobalOnomy: economy & currency, knowledge & wisdom, peace & liberty, health & wealth as well as welfare & sustainability - world-wide!
Extrapolating the invented formulas of TIME and SPACE lead to extreme EFFICIENCY aspects. And correlating SPACE and TIME leads to a new astronomy-formula: "Universal Dynamic Relativity Theory".
With these formulas now "dark energy" (72% of up-to-date un-known energy-forces: Why does universe grow so fast?) is disclosed and our"dark matter" -approach (explaining 23% of un-known forces: Why do planets not orbit faster?) is verified. Whereas Albert Einstein`s formulas explain the "now", we now explain as well the past and the future of universe.
Whereas humanity focuses on matter, gravity, time and 3-D-aspects - astronomy focuses on energy, "growth", (energetic) SPACE and efficiency - leading to far mor sustainability.
In this book many attempts are made, to transfer all astronomic inventions to improve earthly challenges.
Albert Bright

Albert Bright

Albert Bright is multidimensional cross-thinker & paradigm-shifter. Main focuses are astronomy and economy. But he always involve many other sectors. He revolutionized the staus-quo of astronomy by inventing the formulas of i.a. time, space, time-space-correlation, dynamic relativity ... With them he explains 95% of unknown forces ... and adds the past and the future to the existing relativities of the now. And uses astronomy to optimize our earth. Join us at

Helmut Rasch

Helmut Rasch (Hrsg.)

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