

One from Many

Vera Ansén

Romane & Erzählungen


78 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783769315721

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 22.11.2024

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: intercultural dialogue, Women-Life-Freedom, Migration, women's rights, Iran

12,95 €

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Mehr Infos
Afsaneh is from Iran, the author from Germany. Is that enough for us to write a book? Our dialogue grew from so many questions: about her homeland, life, and the future she seeks for her daughter. - Beyond right and wrong, there is a place. We'll meet there.- knows Rumi. This invitation to dialogue became the foundation of a journey we took seriously - bridging cultures, histories, and perspectives.This English edition is adapted from the acclaimed German classroom text, Afsaneh - eine von allen, designed to inspire critical thinking and cultural understanding.
Vera Ansén

Vera Ansén

Vera Ansén, born 1972, in Wiesbaden and grew up in Cologne. She studied theater, film, and television studies, pedagogy, philosophy, and even psychology? She still believes that the head is round so that thoughts can circulate more freely.
With her many talents in words and images, she helps others overcome their speechlessness and never forgets: to entertain well!
Stay curious!

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