A short introduction to German retail energy markets

A short introduction to German retail energy markets

Jörg Wiener

Wirtschaft & Management


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DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783748141846

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 26.03.2019

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: energy, power, Gas, German markets

14,99 €

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This book has as its intended readership those keen to gain a basic understanding of German retail energy markets. I could have gone into much greater depth and more detail, but this would not have made for an interesting read. I therefore decided to write an account that would give a short and broad overview of the markets.
Jörg Wiener

Jörg Wiener

Having taken a degree in Business Economics and Finance at the University London I began my career in the energy industry at Enron Europe and after its demise continued working for several other energy companies in several European countries (UK, Austria, Switzerland, Germany), gaining valuable experience from back-office operations to trading power and gas. Today I look back on more than 15 years in the industry and work as a freelance consultant.

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