A short history of radio communication receivers in functional diagrams

GFGF series on Radio History

Kurt Bergmann, Joachim Rockschies, Heinrich Spanknebel

Band 10: GFGF Series on Radio History

Industrie & Technik


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DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783956009549

Verlag: Miller E-Books

Erscheinungsdatum: 12.12.2022

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Wireless, Radio, circuits, Telecommunication, Receivers

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This book gives an insight into the long technical development of radio message receivers for commercial radio services and the amateur radio service over the period from 1929 to 1983, i.e. from the age of electron tube technology to the first proven phase of semiconductor technology.
The authors have conducted worldwide radio communications within the framework of amateur radio over three decades, thereby becoming acquainted with the often extreme demands that message receivers should be able to cope with, and analysing over 70 radio message receivers or receiver parts of transceivers in the process.
For anyone who collects such equipment or wants to learn how it works, the functional diagrams compiled here will provide the best possible help. The extensive bibliography and list of sources open up numerous avenues for more in-depth study or the procurement of documents.
Kurt Bergmann

Kurt Bergmann

Born in 1934, already supervised a working group for radio technology while attending secondary school in Weimar/Thuringia; A-levels in 1952. Then 1953-1956 training as an electromechanic in Düsseldorf and 1956-1961 studies in general electrical engineering in Aachen.

1961: Started work as a development engineer for measurement electronics in Düsseldorf. 1962 Acquisition of the amateur radio licence DL9WW; from then on, worldwide radio communication activity in his spare time for more than three decades.

1963-1972 Scientific assistant, finally senior engineer, at the Institute for Technical Electronics of the RWTH Aachen. During this time, author of several textbooks within the institute. Doctorate (Dr.-lng.) 1968.

1973 Professor at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences. Internal textbook "Electronic Circuits and Networks". In 1981, Vieweg publishes the textbook "Elektrische Meßtechnik" (Electrical Measurement) with 6 editions to date.

In the context of the accompanying amateur radio activity, compilation of a small collection of typical radio communication devices, critical analysis of these and other devices with the aim of compiling clear functional diagrams in cooperation with the two other authors mentioned.

Joachim Rockschies

Joachim Rockschies

Born in 1931, already interested in radio technology while attending grammar school in Essen/Ruhr, acquired the amateur radio licence DL6CX and the Abitur in about 1950. Then studied electrical engineering at the RWTH Aachen.

1963 Scientific assistant at the Institute for Automotive Engineering at the TH Aachen. Doctorate as Dr.-lng. 1968.

1969 Head of Department for Electrical Measurement and Electronics in an industrial company in Düsseldorf.

1973 Professor for Electrical Measurement and Process Data Processing at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences. Courses on microcomputers and personal computers at the VDI, later at the German Industrial Forum for Technology.

Amateur radio activity with focus on SSB single sideband telephony.

Collection and analysis of radio communication equipment of technical historical interest.

Heinrich Spanknebel

Heinrich Spanknebel

Born in 1935, trained at Bosch from 1950. Subsequently, he worked for several years in the physical department of a large chemical company, where he was responsible for the construction and maintenance of measuring instruments for chemical process engineering.

After a corresponding technical college education, scientific-technical employee in the electronics department of the Research Centre Jülich from 1961 to 1994. Here development and construction of measuring instruments, as well as metrological planning and supervision of diploma theses and doctoral projects at the Institute for Reactor Components, later at the Institute for Energy Process Engineering.

1967 Acquisition of the amateur radio licence DC6IB. Amateur radio activity with focus on reception and measurement technology up to the UHF range. Since 1989 member of the GFGF; collection and analysis of radio communication devices, measuring instruments and literature of technical historical interest.

Gesellschaft der Freunde der Geschichte des Funkwesens (GFGF) e.V.

Gesellschaft der Freunde der Geschichte des Funkwesens (GFGF) e.V. (Hrsg.)

The history of technology is cultural history. This is particularly true for the history of radio, because it revolutionised global communication more than 100 years ago. From the very beginning, technology developed rapidly. There was a danger that much of the knowledge that became obsolete after a short time would be forgotten. Therefore, as early as the beginning of the 1970s, there were first initiatives to record the history of radio and to preserve it for posterity. Later, the Gesellschaft der Freunde der Geschichte des Funkwesens (Society of Friends of the History of Radio, GFGF e.V.) emerged from this.

The association GFGF e.V. emerged in 1978 from the Funkhistorischer lnteressenkreis (Radio History Interest Group), which was initiated by Karl Neumann in 1972, when he realised that in today's age of high technology, the knowledge of the beginnings of radio technology as well as the preservation of the existing stock of technical artefacts and equipment had hardly been a concern of public institutions or the respective manufacturing companies. In the meantime, fortunately, there has been a certain change of heart. The realisation that the history of technology is also part of cultural history is gaining ground, albeit hesitantly. Nevertheless, there is still much to be done in this field today and in the future.

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