a pound of cherries. Life is a Story - story.one

a pound of cherries. Life is a Story - story.one

jakob ossmann

Film, Kunst & Kultur


60 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710834547

Verlag: story.one publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.09.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Life's like a pound of cherries. Lots of pits to spit around. An anthology of faces, places, climate change. Theres sex, homelessness and god. There is a light that never goes out and it jumps from glass shards to bathtubs to the wet floor of a bar. A hard copy of memories, dreams and their overweight children.
jakob ossmann

jakob ossmann

Originally from Stuttgart, Germany, Jakob has been importing/exporting fears and desires since 2000. He started his studies with computing science before switching to the arts with a focus on storytelling through film and photography. Through the ysa competition he rediscovered pure text.

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