A Fractured North

A Fractured North

Journeys on Hold

Erich Kasten (Hrsg.), Igor Krupnik (Hrsg.), Gail Fondahl (Hrsg.)

Band -: A Fractured North

Geschichte & Biografien


296 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783942883429

Verlag: Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien

Erscheinungsdatum: 26.07.2024

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Russland, Sibirien, Ethnologie, Krieg, Indigene Völker

28,00 €

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This collection represents the second volume in the series initiated in 2023 under the title, "A Fractured North." We envisioned these publications as a response of the international community of Northern scholars to the ongoing war in Ukraine and to the disruption ("fracture") it caused to our common field that encompasses Arctic/Siberian/ Northern/ Indigenous domains. The many productive interactions and the heartfelt relationships built during years of collaborations are now suspended or at least highly constrained. We wanted to create an open forum for anthropologists, historians, human geographers, museum specialists, as well as Indigenous experts and knowledge holders to share their perspectives, reflect on the current situation, and discuss challenges that we face now as a globalized community.

The stories featured in this volume deal with a painful reality of the abrupt closure of the field since February 2022. As people's journeys were put "on hold," the authors address the derailment of plans and partnerships, lessons learned, as well as ways to move forward.

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Erich Kasten

Erich Kasten (Hrsg.)

Erich Kasten is ethnologist from Berlin who has done research with the First Nations in the Canadian Pacific Northwest and in Northeastern Siberia. As the first coordinator of the Siberian research group at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle, he studied transformations in Post-Soviet Siberia. In ensuing projects for UNESCO and the National Science Foundation, he documented and analyzed indigenous knowledge. He also has curated international museum exhibitions. Since 2010 he has been the director of the Foundation for Siberian Cultures in Fürstenberg/Havel (Germany). More recently he has also applied himself to developing web archives and Internet interfaces with the purpose of enhancing access and sustaining endangered cultural heritage.

Igor Krupnik

Igor Krupnik (Hrsg.)

Igor Krupnik is curator of Arctic and Northern ethnological collections at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC, USA. He publishes extensively on Indigenous adaptations to social and environ-mental change, history of research in the polar regions, and the value of museum, archival, and photographic collections to northern Indigenous people.

Gail Fondahl

Gail Fondahl (Hrsg.)

Gail Fondahl is Professor emerita of Geography at the University of Northern British Columbia, Canada. Her research focuses on Indigenous rights in the Russian North, including the changing spaces that legal reforms permit, and their materialization as laws are invoked, interpreted, and implemented in place.

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