A Collection of Miscellaneousness. Life is a Story - story.one

A Collection of Miscellaneousness. Life is a Story - story.one


Romane & Erzählungen


72 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783710886768

Verlag: story.one publishing

Erscheinungsdatum: 18.09.2023

Sprache: Englisch

18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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As the title suggests, this book is a collection of diverse short stories. Some may be related, others open a door to a whole other world. Some are dark, some are humorous. Dive into the words of sadness, joy, love and acceptance.

"Endless" or as it is introduced in this book: "There was once an immortal who learned about love alone" is a series of times loosely, times closely related short stories which depict the journey of an immortal trying to understand what it means to love. This journey has many ups and downs, many twists, but in the end, do you think she'll find the answer?

That is not all you'll find in this book. There might even be surprises for later, but there are also moments of inspiration and reminders that you are a special part of our beautiful world.


Eris first found her passion for writing during a school assignment when she was ten. Since then, she has written and created a myriad of stories, pieces and poems, yet due to numerous reasons, they all remained known to only Eris and a certain few.
Eris is currently a student in Germany. Her current work and future ones form a parallel between 'real life' and a 'fantasy plane' to create a diverse and mystical world.
Find my poems on Instagram: @deepseapoem

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