55 Secrets & Tricks of Mathematics

55 Secrets & Tricks of Mathematics

Davies Guttmann

Natur- & Humanwissenschaften


212 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783735741264

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 23.06.2014

Sprache: Englisch

17,90 €

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Mathematics rules our lives –whether we realise it, like it or not. Anything that relates to numbers, formula, electronics, will have depended on mathematics for their origination and development. Every time you add up a bill, do your tax return, work out your change – you are employing mathematical techniques to arrive at your answer. Obviously more complicated techniques and calculations are involved where computers, TVs or other complex machines are concerned – but all of these are integral to our daily lives and how we interact with the world around us. This compilation of tricks, secrets and techniques can help you understand how mathematics works and help you become more confident, proficient – and comfortable – in the realm of mathematics. 
Davies Guttmann

Davies Guttmann

Davies Guttmann was born in 1966 in Vienna, were he lives with his wife and their four children.
He started his business life 1988 as editor of the leading Austrian stock market letter. Many other financial publications followed. Guttmann also worked for various newspapers as a financial journalist. In the 90ies he was co-publisher of werk-zeug, a technology and art magazine, as well as Streetfashion, a magazine featuring fashionable people on the streets of the world.
After this Guttmann worked as a Alternative Investment and Private Equity specialist.

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